Opportunities for inspiration are all around us if we are willing to try something new.
A new show started on HGTV earlier this year, “The Antonio Treatment.” The design star is a musician and former set designer, and he looks more like a biker than an interior designer. I love this show, because it is iconoclastic.
In one of the series’ first episodes, he brings in a friend who is a cartoonist, Steven Silber, to meet with the client, who is also a cartoonist. The client makes a comment about not having the courage to distort people’s faces (an important tool of the caricature artist). Silber’s response was great. He said, “Sometimes something that may break your usual mindset is to use your opposite hand than what you’re usually using, and then you’ll do something completely different from what you’re used to doing.”
What a great reminder to just change things up a little bit to get very different results.
What a great reminder that even “creative people” need to spark their inspiration.
What a great reminder that even people who say, “Oh, I’m not creative,” can find inspiration in just doing something differently.
What can you do – or have you done – just a little differently in order to get your creative juices flowing?
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